Building Services: 5 Room Renovation Project
Client – NHS
Site Location – St Johns Health Centre, Surrey & Woking
Contract Duration – 5 days
Refurbishment Building Services Tasks Appointed –
We were asked by the NHS to work on a building services project at a Health Centre based in Woking.
Originally the building was made up of four clinical rooms and they asked IDWe Ltd to divide one of the rooms into two, to give them more space.
To start off with, each room was stripped down and various amends were made.
Below is a summary of the building services we provided.
What’s new:
- Lighting
- Hot & cold IPS panels with HTM sinks
- LST radiators and covers
- Vinyl Flooring
- Whiterock linked walls up to 1200mm high
- Doorways
- Painted walls
Result –
As an NHS partner, this project was a successful complete renovation project.
Please see our after pictures highlighting key changes.
The staff were delighted with their new surroundings and with the extra space in their added clinical room.